Is “The Devil’s Rejects” sequel shooting soon?

“The film will take a supernatural u-turn”
Howdy Horror Fans. Take this news with a pinch of salt, as it’s just rumors at the moment, but according to Bloody Disgusting (and some of their sinister contacts), it’s possible Rob Zombies The Devil’s Rejects sequel could be shooting as soon as spring. The Devil’s Rejects (2005) is a sequel to Zombies House of 1,000 Corpses (2003) film that followed a family of backwater psychos as the continued a lifelong killing spree.
“we’re hearing that Zombie is in negotiations with Saban Films and Lionsgate to release the sequel in theaters, VOD, and home video. Zombie distributed his crowd-sourced 31 through both companies,”
Apparently Zombie is targeting a March shoot for the next installment to his killer franchise, and it has a title called “The Devil’s Rejects 2: Three From Hell”. The film sounds like it will be taking a supernatural twist to bring Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig), Otis (Bill Moseley), and Baby (Sheri Moon Zombie) back from the dead, after they were last seen driving head long into a wall of police cars and bullets.
“Before Jason Lives, Jason Voorhees was human. Is it possible that Three From Hell implies that the film will take a supernatural u-turn?”
Whilst I know fans of Zombie and his work will be squealing with excitement at the possibilities of a further chapter to his firefly saga, I wont be holding my breath until the news firmly drops. But until then, let us all keep our fingers and toes crossed that Zombies film is more than just idle rumor and wishful thinking.