New Halloween is an Alternative Reality

The new Halloween movie was always rumoured to be a reboot in some form or another. However, this was put into some doubt, with the recent announcement of Jamie Lee Curtis joining the cast, reprising her role as Laurie Strode from the original Halloween.
Gordon Green and co-writer Danny McBride have both hinted over the last few months that the film could wipe Halloween 2 clean off the map, and it looks like that’s exactly what the film will do.
“It’s almost an alternative reality!”
Speaking with Stereo Gum, John Carpenter explained how the new Halloween movie would fit into the 9 film series…and the answer…it’s timey-wimey!
“It’s kind of a… I don’t know how to describe it. It’s almost an alternative reality,” Carpenter described the film. “It picks up after the first one and it pretends that none of the others were made. It’s gonna be fun. There’s a really talented director and it was well-written. I’m impressed.”
It’s completely possible that the film could simply drop the whole sister/brother relationship of Laurie And Michael Myers, which would give the film a new dynamic entirely. It’s a risky venture, as it would anger hard core fans. But as a HUGE Halloween fan myself…I ask you, could anything be worse than a true continuation of the series after Halloween Resurrection? Watching Busta Rhymes flailing around in front of Myers, as he makes silly Kung-Fu noises, is possible one of the lowest points in any Horror series. Anything is better than that.
Michael Myers returns home on October 19th, 2018.