Sigourney Weaver Surprises New Jersey High School ‘Alien’ Play

by | Apr 29, 2019

“I am representing all of the Alien fans all over the universe who think what you’re doing is so cool and so important!”


You may have heard about the Alien play, performed by New Jersey High School, which utilized recycled material for props and sets. The show went viral last month when clips and videos begun to weed their way online. . The show’s art director and high school art techer Steven Defendini told BuzzFeed News 

“Our performance of Alien really shows you can do so much with so little, and as long as there is a passion there to do these things, they are possible…We don’t have really any budget, we recycle everything, everything is repurposed and recycled 10 times over until we get the look we need. ”

The show used moving blankets for astronaut costumes, floor mat foam and bottle caps for helmets and even old egg cartons for sets. The level of details is quite frankly astonishing, with 15 sets, costumes and a full blown alien costume , all contributing to bring the film to the small stage.

Well, lats Friday night, they had a surprise visit from Alien star Sigourney Weaver, who took to the stage to congratulate the crew.

The best thing is that the entire show was captured on film, and you can watch it below. If your a big Alien fan, this play is a real treat.. enjoy


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