A ‘Creepshow’ TV Series with Stephen King Is Happening!

Wheres my cake? And whilst your at it, how about you bring me a proper follow up to George A. Romero and Stephen Kings collaborative Creep Show? Well Horror Fans, your nightmares could well and truly be at hand. Don’t worry, no ones about to start digging up our favourite horror maestro just yet, but it does look like his legend may live on in a TV series based on his work with King. TVweb was over at the New York Comic Con this week, and they joined the walking Dead’s Greg Nicotero over at the Shudder panel, for new on the show.
Legendary visual effects artist and horror master Greg Nicotero has been tapped to mastermind the new show, which will closely resemble the original 1982 horror anthology, only it will be made for the small screen as opposed to the big screen this time around.
The big news that was revealed, is that Stephen King will be involved in the series. However, he will only be contributing one story for the six episodes currently planned. King wrote all of the short stories in both Creepshow and Creepshow 2, which were all taking from his near endless sea of short stories. I’m hoping for an adaption of “N”, which was going to be turned into a TV series, but news has gone very quite on this one. Others writers were also confirmed.
It was also revealed that Joe Hill, King’s son, will also be writing for the show, as well as Bubba Ho-Tepwriter Joe R. Lansdale… The first season of Creepshow will consist of six episodes. It seems likely that each writer will pen one episode. If that holds true, we should expect to hear three more names in the future. Stephen King is clearly one to be excited for, but Joe Hill is no slouch and hasn’t just ridden on his father’s coattails. His comic book Locke and Key is a prime example of excellent horror storytelling and he should fit in great with this format. And who knows what a guy like Lansdale can bring to the table.
Greg Nicotero also informed watchers of the panel, that each episode will vary in length, making each short “as long as they need to be.”. This is great news for writers and directors, who will not be forced into cramming in content to set time frame. This is a great benefit that streaming services have over terrestrial, as they do not need to fit into any existing time slots, or adjust for advertisment.
Shudder, the horror-themed streaming service owned by AMC, have not yet set a release date, but expect more news soon as this awesome show begins to take shape.