“American Horror Story: Cult” Trailer is Crazy

We are just a few weeks away from the season 7 premiere of American Horror Story, which launches Tuesday, September 5th., and just when you thought that that week already had on too many clowns in (IT releases too…) the new series reveals it’s big bad cult…. CLOWNS!
Yes, it seem’s that this years theme has is less political and more diabolical than we first thought, as a ton of clowns hound poor Sarah Paulson, who returns to AHS as new character Ally, in this post Trump election horror. The new trailer, which reveals this years story, shows lots of clowns, including our old pal Twisty from season four.
Sufferers of Coulrophobia may just hate this years American Horror Story: Cult, but they do try each and every time, to scare the crap out of you. Maybe this year is the one you just can’t handle?
You can check out the trailer below. The first part of the 11-part season airs September 5th.