Chucky Heads for Syfy TV Series!

It’s not too long before MGM and Orion release their new vision of the Child’s Play, a little later on this (June). This has not deterred Chucky creator Don Mancini, who still holds the rights to his creation, and will be taking Charles Lee Ray down a new route. As Mancini has previously confirmed, Chucky is heading for a TV series, and this week, Deadline have confirmed that New show will be heading for Syfy. Mancini said
“I’ve long wanted to bring Chucky to television and Syfy is the perfect network for us… The show will be a fresh take on the franchise, allowing us to explore Chucky’s character with a depth that is uniquely afforded by the television series format, while staying true to the original vision that has terrorized audiences for over three decades now.”
Great news for any fans of the original film series, which has racked up an impressive seven feature films. This means that the Chucky we know and love, can continue his reign of terror, even if it’s on a smaller screen.
From what we know, the shows should continue the story played out from the last film, Cult of Chucky.