Fairuza Balk says “I’m Not a Witch!”

Fairuza Balk has a little niggle she wants to get off her chest. After years of rumours that came from her big starring role in the 1996 film ‘The Craft’, Balk is finally saying “I’m not a witch”!
Being most well known for her show-stealing performance as Nancy Downs in ‘The Craft’, people started believing that the talented actress was actually dealing in black magic. This was only spurred on by her purchase of an occult store in the 90s. Ray Stantz would be proud!
20 years after the fact, Balk sat down with EW recently, finally setting the record straight about her occult purchase.
“The true story is I found this occult shop in L.A. and I used to go there to ask them questions and do my research. They were really lovely people. The woman who owned it wanted to retire. She couldn’t put the kind of money into it that it needed to keep it up and so it was going to be turned into a Chinese restaurant. I thought for the oldest occult shop in the country, that’s a tragedy. “
Balk explained further
“There was a man that used to work there and he had an encyclopedic knowledge of the subject and he was a sort of a teacher to me during The Craft. I thought, what a shame this is going to be turned into a Chinese restaurant. So I bought it and put some work into it and helped it survive. But people of course were like, ‘She bought an occult shop and she’s fully into this and it’s all real.’ That has taken on its entire own mythology that’s essentially out of my hands. You can tell the truth and talk to people but they want to believe what they want to believe. What can you do? I’m not involved with that shop anymore. It was a very long time ago.”
Fairuza, we never doubted you for a second! Keep on witching…..