Hide From The New Alien Covenant Trailer
We have been warned to run..now the next trailer for Ridley Scotts Alien Covenant urges us to HIDE!
With the film crashing into In theaters May 19, the promos are coming thick and fast, as Scott promises that this IS the Alien movie we have been waiting for. You all know the story about Prometheus, so i won’t bore you going over that again, but rest assured that there is a lot hanging on this sequel. Remember that Scott put Neill Blomkamp’s Aliens Sequel on hold to make Covenant. Ask any Alien fans want they would want more, A sequel to Prometheus or a kick ass film that fixes all the issues with Alien 3 and I think the answer will be clear. That said, the 2nd trailer for Covenant is doing a lot for my confidence in this project. It’s a fast pace, Alien riddled peek into a film that just might win fans over.
Don’t take my word for it, check out the trailer below.