‘Hill House’ Sequel Haunts Bly Manor

The Haunting of Hill House was by far one of the biggest things to appear on Netflix last year, and introduced a vast new audience to the wonders of Horror. Hill house was not just an atmospheric and chilling series, it also had an amazing story on par with American Horror Stories Murder House.
Well it looks like Doctor Sleep’s Mike Flanagan and Netflix are teaming up once more for second season of “The Haunting” series with a brand new house to terrify. Whilst the first season was based on Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House novel, Flanagan has looked at another book source for his follow up. The Haunting of Bly Manor will be based on the Henry James’ 1898 novella The Turn of the Screw.
“it’s much scarier than season one!”
Flanagan spoke with Birth.Movies.Death this week about the new venture, filling us in just what he has up his sleeve?
“We’re looking at all the ghost stories of Henry James as the jumping-off point for the season, so it very much is a whole new deal… It’s a cool way to expand on some of the things I loved about season one, but within the framework of a new story, without having to be restrained by the decisions we made last time. For Henry James fans, it’s going to be pretty wild, and for people who aren’t familiar with his work, it’s going to be unbelievably scary. I already think it’s much scarier than season one, so I’m very excited about it.”
The Oculus director also shared that the series will be taking a leaf from American Horror Story by reusing some of the cast members from the first season.
“We’re hanging the season on Victoria Pedretti [playing the governess Dani] and Oliver Jackson-Cohen, and in addition to them, there are going to be other familiar actors from season one… “Beyond that, I’ve got quite a few candidates among new faces who I really love, but we haven’t formally cast anybody yet.”
Whilst the show is in very early stages, you’ll be able to see more of Flanagan soon when Doctor Sleep hit cinemas October 30th. And it sounds like there could be more Stephen King collaborations in the future.
“Depending on how Doctor Sleep does, we’ll see what movie opportunities there will be. I’ve been talking to Stephen King a lot about what we might want to do together after this, so we’ll see how it goes.”
More news on The Haunting of Bly Manor as it emerges…
A new Haunting is coming. Can you guess where it takes place? Listen closely… pic.twitter.com/vqzrd3z4NZ
— The Haunting of Hill House (@haunting) February 21, 2019