Mad Max 5 Was Meant To Shoot In 2021!

After Fury Road became a huge success, Miller had planned on making a sequel, including a spin-off centered on Charlize Theron’s Imperator Furiosa. However, to date, there has yet to be any real movement on these projects. According to a recent report from Variety, it seems that Miller’s Furiosa spin off was closer than we all thought.
Development slates at the studios are also in flux. Most executives don’t expect things to get back to normal for several weeks, though a few are taking video and phone meetings as they try to game out films they hope to greenlight in the next 12 months. Director George Miller, for instance, has been meeting with names including Anya Taylor-Joy for his “Furiousa” spin-off, which he hopes to start shooting in 2021.
Of course, Miller is making concessions to coronavirus — those auditions have taken place via Skype.
So it seems that Miller was planning on shooting in 2021, and is currently in talks with Anya Taylor-Joy (The Witch) who has been showing up in all sorts of project recently, including Split (2016) and the upcoming The New Mutants film. What’s most interesting is that Miller clearly has a script that he has been keeping close to his chest. Personally, I’m more excited about a new Mad Max film, but i welcome any film from this universe.
More news as it comes.