More Halloween Plot Details Revealed

Halloween might have just passed, but all eyes are on next years celebration, as Michael Myers finally returns to the big screen. What we know so far, is that David Gordon Green’s Halloween will be a reboot of the franchise. Written with Eastbound & Down star Danny McBride and set for release next October, the film will ignore many of the Halloween sequels. This week, McBride chatted with Yahoo about the project and things are becoming clearer on the direction they are taking.
Macbride started by talking about Jamie Lee Curtis to return to the franchise.
“So Dave and I just busted our ass on this script to really make that Laurie Strode character something she wouldn’t be able to say no to. When we finished the script, we sent it to her, and she said she was in. So we just flipped out. We were over the moon about her involvement.”
Whilst the story is being kept under wraps for now, Danny did let slip more details about the project hinting that they may be altering how the first film ended.
“We’re kind of ignoring all the films past the first one. It picks up after the first one, but it’s sort of an alternate reality. It’s as if the first Halloween ended in a slightly different way.”
following the example of films such as Star Trek and Ghostbusters, Green and McBride are taking the Halloween series down an alternate reality road. Should fans be worried?
“I just hope that we don’t f*** it up and piss people off. This is such a diehard fan base. You don’t want horror fans being your enemies because they show up at your house with masks on,”
The series has already seen one alternate reality setting, when H20 came out in 1998. That film ignored Halloween 4-6, reviving Jamie Lee Curtis’s character of Laurie Strode for a show down with her big bro. However, H20’s sequel, Resurrection, ended Laurie’s story as Michael Myers finally gets his ‘final girl’.
Meanwhile John Carpenter, whose working as an executive producer on the new film, said he’s “going to help to try to make the 10th sequel the scariest of them all.”
Lets hope so. The new film is due to start shooting soon, with a release of Halloween next year. Michael Myers returns to Haddonfield once again on October 19, 2018. Be Excited!
Michael & I will see you all next Halloween 10/19/18#Trancasfilms #Blumhouse #Universal #Halloween #H40— Jamie Lee Curtis (@jamieleecurtis) 31 October 2017