Scare Share News: Pet Semetery, Hannibal and Judge Dredd

Howdy Horror Fans! Got those Monday morning blues? Well how about a round up of some of the news you may have missed this week from around the web. A little does of horror might just chase those blues away.
Andy Muschietti Eyes Pet Semetary
The new adaption of Stephen King’s IT is but a couple of months away, and it’s going to be cinema GOLD. But director Andy Muschietti is already making plans for a future film, and he’s got eyes on another of King’s book, Pet Sematary. Muschietti told the torontosun
“We’re huge fans of Pet Sematary,” Muschietti says. “If we can get our hands on that and do the Pet Sematary we want to do, that will be something. One day, maybe.”
Muschietti will be directing the second part of IT nest, visiting the Loser 30 years later as adults, but if IT does as well as we think it will, a Pet Semetary remake would certainly get green lit pretty quickly.
Bryan Fuller Talks Hannibal Series 4
Fans of the TV sensation Hannibal could have reason to celebrate, as the rumours of the shows return just won’t quit. Collider chatted briefly with showrunner Bryan Fuller he had this to say
“The cast is game, I’m game, it’s just a matter of finding the right time where everybody’s schedules sync up, but I would love to continue to tell the story with Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen. They’re such a fantastic collaborators, and one of the most satisfying actor-showrunner relationships I’ve ever had in this industry. So I would love to continue this story.”.
Despite the show famously getting canned after only a few episodes of series 3, Fuller would certainly have to deliver something different in order to get a studiosu time and money, so don’t count you chickens just yet.
James Cameron Drops a Arnie bombshell for Terminator.
James Cameron is currently producing the next entry into the Terminator franchise, which begins filming next year, but during a chat with The Arnold Fans , he talks about how he would address why all the T800 looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
“Why did they make these characters look and sound like Arnold? There has to be a reason. So yeah, it has flashed through my mind that there has to have been a prototype.”
This opens the doors for the 70-year-old Arnold to return in the next film, as a human prototype.
Max Landis update on ‘American Werewolf in London’
We reported back in August that Max Landis, son of John Landis, would be taking up his father’s mantle and remaking American Werewolf in London. Chatting with Kevin Smith during an IMDB interview Max revealed
“I’m gonna write it and I think I’m gonna direct it. I like the script I wrote. I’m halfway through it right now. I hope it turns out great?”
Rumors of American Werewolf becoming part of Universal’s ‘Dark Universe’ are still a little muddy, but we shall see in the coming months how things develop.
Ash would have Killed Freddy!
An interesting piece of documentation has arisen that tell us how the Jason Vs Freddy Vs Ash film would have needed. Bloody Disgusting got their filthy paws on an internal memo which states
“Englund (Robert) has indicated that he’s tiring of the Freddy makeup and, per our conversations with him in the past, he agrees that the fans will embrace and accept the idea of Ash killing off our burned villain for good.”
An interesting read for those interested in how the film was shaping back when this was actually a thing. the chnaces of this film every appearing are very slim, especially with Sam Raimi not wanted to share licences and Bruce Campbell saying no about a billion times.
More IT images Float!
Empire Got their hands on some tasty new IT images, showing Bill Skarsgård in full makeup and costume, looking very sinister indeed. More in this months issue.
Dredd: Mega-City One Production Images Emerge
IGN shared some production images from the upcoming Judge Dredd: Mega-City One TV show. The images highlighted the style and atmosphere the show will try to bring. Good news is that Karl Urban is in talks to reprise his role, which will be well received with fans of the Dredd film.
Well that’s it for now. More news coming soon…. Have a great Week. Come back any time…bring your friends…
Chills from your Pal ‘Luke’