Smoke Me A kipper – More ‘Red Dwarf’ Could Be On Its Way

The show, which premiered in 1988 and stars Chris Barrie, Craig Charles, Danny John-Jules, and Robert Llewellyn, follows the hilarious misadventures of a Red Dwarf crew lost in deep space. It’s no secret that the show’s creators, Rob Grant and Doug Naylor, had different visions for the show, leading Grant to depart and work on other projects. And whilst Naylor continued to write and direct the show, he was clearly unhappy behind the scenes. Fast forward to 2021, and Naylor launched a High Court action against Grant over the rights to the show.
The great news is that this case had now been resolved, and it seems that both of the writers will continue separately working on Red Dwarf, spread across multiple mediums.
“Rob Grant and Doug Naylor are delighted to announce that the ongoing dispute over the Red Dwarf rights has been resolved. Moving onwards and upwards Rob and Doug hope to launch separate iterations of Red Dwarf across various media, working again with the cast and other valued partners, and wish each other the very best. Smoke a kipper, Red Dwarf will be back for breakfast!!”
What exactly does that mean? Well for one, we could very well see more books, as the well of RD novels pretty much dried up after Naylor and Grant split, with the last book, Backwards, being published in 1996. It could also mean that a Red Dwarf reboot is on the cards, with both the original and new crew continuing their adventures. It also may very well lead the way to the long talked about Red Dwarf movie.
Smug mode.
— Doug Naylor (@DougRDNaylor) March 10, 2023
One thing for sure, the original boys from the Dwarf will be moving back on our screens quicker than a nun’s first curry.
Hello Horror Fans, are you ready for more Red Dwarf? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! Or head over to our Fans Page to join like minded horror fans. You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @Lallen_UK
Stay in, Stay Safe, Love Horror!
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