Who would win in a fight to the death between these two legendary creatures?


Who would win in a fight to the death between these two legendary creatures?

Meeting the Legends!

Vampires and Werewolves are the most potent and enduring myths of western society. Many have envisioned which of these two creatures would survive in a epic battle to the death. But the history of these two foes is a lot more serene than you’d expecte. 

These two foes were first envisioned togther in a 1944 screen play Wolfman vs Dracula which was to be Univsersal Studios sequal to ‘Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man’. The Film would have seen the two creatiures at each others necks, but the film was never made. It was not untill 1964 that the two monsters even showed up on screen togther, but in a very different guise to the visions of unviersal battling script.

The Munster exploded onto TV bringing all three of the classic Universal Monsters (Dracula , Wolfman and Frankeinstein) togther in a sitcom format. More importantly , Dracula and the wolfman were Grandad and Grandson and despite a few falling outs, they got along quite well. It seems that history had firmly found a place for vampires and werewolves, and thier relation ship was set to be friendly for years to come. 

From Bobby Pickett’s 1962 hit song Monster Mash to cartoons such as Groovie Goolies and Drak Pack, the duo were shown as cool, musical fun guys to party with. 

So Where did the amnisoty between them come from?

Things Fall Apart...

So Who Would Win?

Up until 1987, both Dracula and the Wolfman had been portrayed together as friends. It was the release The Monster Squad, that showed the cracks in their friendship. The Wolfman was shown to be a reluctant follower of Dracula, who even informs the police about the forthcoming carnage. 

The first example of vampires and werewolves actually turning against each other, can be found in the pages of The Dark Reunion, the 1991 installment of L.J. Smith’s young adult book series The Vampire Diaries, where the werewolf character Tyler squares off against vampire Stefan. This rivalry would continue in other books such as 1993’s Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton, and 2001’s Dead Until Dark , the first part of Charlaine Harris’ The Southern Vampire Mysteries. 

Suddenly the world was engaged with this conflict between Vampires and Lycanthropes, and with Joss Whedon’s 1998 Buffy series bringing Vampires werewolves and demons all together on one screen, things were about to step up a notch.

It was in 2003 that two starcrossed lovers changed everything. Kate Beckinsale and Scott Speedman fell in love as Vampire and Lycan in the movie Underworld, and the introduction to an all out war between the two species was firmly planted into the public consciousness. 


So Who Would Win?

Up until 1987, both Dracula and the Wolfman had been portrayed together as friends. It was the release The Monster Squad, that showed the cracks in their friendship. The Wolfman was shown to be a reluctant follower of Dracula, who even informs the police about the forthcoming carnage. 

The first example of vampires and werewolves actually turning against each other, can be found in the pages of The Dark Reunion, the 1991 installment of L.J. Smith’s young adult book series The Vampire Diaries, where the werewolf character Tyler squares off against vampire Stefan. This rivalry would continue in other books such as 1993’s Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton, and 2001’s Dead Until Dark , the first part of Charlaine Harris’ The Southern Vampire Mysteries. 

Suddenly the world was engaged with this conflict between Vampires and Lycanthropes, and with Joss Whedon’s 1998 Buffy series bringing Vampires werewolves and demons all together on one screen, things were about to step up a notch.

It was in 2003 that two starcrossed lovers changed everything. Kate Beckinsale and Scott Speedman fell in love as Vampire and Lycan in the movie Underworld, and the introduction to an all out war between the two species was firmly planted into the public consciousness. 


The creatures of the night!


The creatures of the night!

Most Wanted

The Vampire of myth and legend is a wicked person, who lives on through death as a creature that feeds on human blood, to sustain their unnatural life. 

The most famous of vampires is the creature known as Dracula, the creation of Irish author Bram Stoker, who published his novel in 1897. 

Most Wanted
  • Dracula

The Vampire of myth and legend is a wicked person, who lives on through death as a creature that feeds on human blood, to sustain their unnatural life. 

The most famous of vampires is the creature known as Dracula, the creation of Irish author Bram Stoker, who published his novel in 1897. 


Lost Boys – The leader of a group of vampire boys in the town of Santa Carla.


Dusk Till Dawn – Queen Vampire of the “Titty Twister”, a strip club in the middle of a desolate part of Mexico.


Salem’s Lot – A master vampire who terrorizes the small Maine town of Jerusalem’s Lot.


Interview with a Vampire – Lestat is the vain anti hero of the Vampire Chronicles series.


Vampires are physically imposing beings with excellent strength, speed, endurance and agility. They also possess excellent senses, extended living-span nearing ageless and high-level resistance to damage. Many interpretations of Vampires portray them as having other abilities such as hypnotism and transformation. In the Novel Dracula, the titular character transformed into a bat, wolf and mist.


All vampires need some form of life-force, but exact amounts and quality varies. Traditional Vampires drink blood, but other variants include soul and life force sucking vampires such as in the films Sleepwalkers (1992) and Life Force (1985). The consequences of not feeding also differs from variant to variant. Traditional, vampires suffer from a painful hunger, weakness and aging.
Common Vampires have several weaknesses, but how effective these are to an individual vampire varies greatly dependent on the source material. The most rooted affliction is a sensitivity to sunlight. This if often deadly. Other weakness include religious symbols and items, running water, garlic and many different types of plants, most commonly hawthorns and roses.
Another common weakness is the that Vampires are also unable to enter a building without an invitation.

The beasts of burden


The beasts of burden

Most Wanted

A werewolf is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction, such as a bite or scratch.

The most famous werewolf is Universal Pictures “The Wolfman” who’s 1941 apparence generated a worldwide facination with werewolves. 


An American Werewolf in London – An American College student who terrorizes london as a werewolf.


Ginger Snaps – A teenage girl who is transformed into a werewolf after a savage attack.


Wolf – Publisher Will Randall becomes a werewolf and has to fight to keep his job.


The Howling – a serial killer and werewolf who stalked the streets of Los Angeles.


Werewolves have a vast array of strengths which serve to make it an amazing predator and survivor. Its greatest strengths is speed and endurance, able to travel long distances before tiring . This is aided by a Werewolves increased senses and fast reflexes.

Werewolves also have sharp teeth and claws, which make them incredible deadly. Some Werewolves have been known to bite through wood, bone, and even strong metals like steel.

Another major strength is the ability to heal faster than humans. Wounds encountered during a wolf form rarely pass through into their human form.


Traditionally, Werewolves are near immortal, being immune to most injuries or healing them very fast. The only thing that can kill a Werewolf is a silver bullet through the heart. This can also extend to any silver items that can pierce the Werewolves thick hide.
Other weakness include bright lights and noises, which can hurt the Werewolf due to its heightened sight and hearing.
Werewolves are most commonly nocturnal creatures that only appear during a full moon. Any other periods of time, the werewolves remain in human form, where they are extremely vulnerable. A Werewolves key defences is anonymity.

When Two Tribes Go To War!

Werewolves Vs Vampires
Who Would Win?

When Two Tribes Go To War!

Werewolves Vs Vampires
Who Would Win?
The Fight!
Vampires and Werewolves both have a long list of strength and weakness that could easily turn the tides of a battle. Werewolves are creatures of instinct and rage, whilst a Vampire is calm and calculated. A Vampire’s high intelligence and speed would give them a greater advantage over their opponent. However, we have to remember that Werewolves have a very high resistance to most most damage, with silver being one of the few ways in which it can be hurt and killed. An unprepared Vampire would not stand a chance against a ferocious Werewolf attack.
Vampires also have the ability to transform, so it’s perfectly feasible that the fight could quickly turn into a wolf vs wolf, but even in this scenario, the Werewolf would have the major advantage. However, the Vampire may use its shapeshifting and fast speed to evade the Werewolves attacks.
Whilst Vampires have a longer list of vulnerability, the Werewolves primal reactions and thoughts would never allow it to take advantage of them. So whilst a Werewolf is stronger and harder to kill, A Vampires intellect, speed and resilience would definitely be a great advantage.


Would Win!


Would Win!



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