7 Horror Movie Villains Way More Killable in Games

7 Horror Movie Villains Way More Killable in Games

by | Jul 8, 2019

“If I could have got in one solid right hook….”

They may look mean and pack one hell-of-a punch, but some of these Horror Movie Villains aren’t as tough as you think. Well, at least in video games. Outsidexbox take the time to weigh in on just how easy these 7 Killers really are! From Sadako’s “whipping” hair and Freddy Krugers 28 leg bones, these Villains digital counterparts just aren’t as tough as the films tell us. Here are 7 Horror Movie Villains Way More Killable in Games.


“!Most horror movie baddies are unstoppable murder machines in their cinematic incarnations, but that’s not always the case when they make the leap to games. Consider these seven invincible horror movie villains who became fragile, vulnerable meat-sacks in videogames!”




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