How Breaking Bad Brilliantly Uses Color to Tell a Story

How Breaking Bad Brilliantly Uses Color to Tell a Story

by | Jul 13, 2020

For any great film maker, colour is an integral part of the story telling process. It can convey emotions, thoughts and even someones significance to any given scene. Red has always been associated with warnings, and no series used it more effectively than the very first Star Trek series, which often threw red-shirt wearing, unnamed, characters onto planet surfaces, only for them to die minutes later. Red was also used as a sign that supernatural forces were at work in M. Night Shyamalan’s The Sixth Sense. However, one of the most clever use of colour came from a little TV show called Breaking Bad. It was such a significant part of the TV show that many of the productions choices were made based around key colour choices. I’ll let ScreenCrush tell you more in a cool little video called How Breaking Bad Brilliantly Uses Color to Tell a Story. Enjoy…


Breaking Bad is celebrated for its sharply defined characters, symbolism, and exquisite writing. But this is also a story that is told with color.



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