A New Final Destination Movie is Coming to HBO Max!

Jon Watts, the director behind the new Spiderman trilogy (Homecoming, Far From Home, No Way Home), is now onboard to produce the reboot of the popular series. According to Variety, Watts will be joining longtime Final Destination producers Craig Perry and Sheila Hanahan Taylor, alongside Watts’s wife and partner, Dianne McGunigle. Keeping it in the family hey Jon!
Watts said in a statement:
“Both Dianne and I have been massive fans of ‘Final Destination’ from the very beginning… So to be able to have a hand in crafting a new story with the original team and New Line is going to be both fun and exciting.”
The Final Destination franchise tells the tale of Death catching up with young teens, who have managed to avoid a tragic death thanks to premonitions. The series stretches much further than just the five films, with their being two comic books adaptations and nine novels. The reboot of the series could mean some mega chump change for the “house that Freddy built”, New Line Cinema.
More on this as it hunts us down!
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