Lionsgate Bringing Back ‘Leprechaun’ Series

Keep your gold hidden well, it looks like the Leprechaun franchise is about to spring back onto our screens. Lionsgate has been actively searching for scripts for the next Leprechaun movie, and it looks like they may well have found something that has them seeing green, as director Felipe Vargas (Milk Teeth) has been hired to bring the little menace back for more terror.
Leprechaun released in 1993 and marked the start of the franchise, and was followed by five sequels featuring Warwick Davis and two reboots, for a total of eight films. Leprechaun: Origins, arrived in 2014 but with little love from fans. The last film was and Leprechaun Returns in 2018, another failed reboot. What the series really needs is a fresh injection of ideas and a modern horror aproach, and that’s exactly what Vargas will bringn to the table.
As reported by THR, Erin Westerman, president of production for Lionsgate’s Motion Picture Group, expressed excitement in a statement, noting that thirty years after its debut, the franchise still held its charm.
“Thirty years after its debut, this franchise still casts a spell, and we’re thrilled to be bringing it back with a new vision… Roy and Miri are two of our most trusted producers, especially with this genre, and we’re excited by Felipe’s vision for the film as a director. In his hands, this movie should be very scary and a ton of fun.”
The next thing to talk about is who is going ot be stepping into thsoe delicate little shoes (which will no doubt be stomping on some poor souls face)? Dylan Postl held the role of the title character in Leprechaun Origins, while Leprechaun Returns had Linden Porco as the Leprechaun. Start your casting suggestions now.
Hungry for more Leprechaun? Let us know in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! Or head over to our Fans Page to join like minded horror fans. You can also carry on the convo with me personally on Twitter @Lallen_UK
Stay in, Stay Safe, Love Horror!
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