There has been talk of a fourth Predator movie for some time. Back in 2014, it was reported that Iron Man 3 writer/director Shane Black was onboard to “reinvent” the franchise, promising a sequel that would recognize the other films but take the series in a new direction. In November 2015, Fred Dekker, a long time writing partner of Black, teased the completion of a script on his facebook page, along with a picture of the titular creature.
With another facebook exclusive, the official Predator page posted a teaser image today, accompanied with Bill Duke’s lines from the first film ‘here we go again, bro’, too mark the start of production. You’ll Never See Him Coming! Could this also be the title for the new movie? The Predator!
With the film now in production, expect to hear more news as the film-making cogs begin to spin. What fans are hoping for is something going back to the series routes, man vs alien, mono a mono. Lets just hope we can wipe the awful memory of Predator vs Alien from our minds….That left a bad taste!