Old Horror Villains – Where Are They Now?
They were once masters of despair and suffering, but time, it would seem, has moved on quickly for the rogues that once haunted our nightmares. The villains of the 70s and 80s are re-imagined here struggling to come to terms with modern day life, decades after their glory days on the silver screen.
Photographer Federico Chiesa’s fantastic shoot, called Horror Vacui, pictures our favourite bad guys in precarious positions, a far cry from the life they once new. Many of the characters defined horror, in a time when budgets did not determine the quality of horror. They are the most beloved villains of the genre and it’s almost sad to see them pictured in such a way.
Federico’s attention to details and careful use of colour and light brings the photographs to life. You can see this project and more over at Federico Chiesa’s Behance Page.
The overlooks destruction left the Grady Twins to with little choice but to start their lives a new. However, being dead is hard and every tasks are a real struggle. At least they have each other…forever…and ever…
The lasting effects of being shot, burned and stabbed finally caught up with Michael. Spending his retirement years in a nursing home, Michael struggles with arthritis in his hands and a dodgy knee. His days of chasing young teens around are long gone. However,That doesn’t stop him from harassing the nurses!
After failing to stop the destruction of two death stars and killing his boss, job options for Vader were slim. After failing to keep up payments on rent and bills, Vader had little choice but to move into social housing and relies heavily on government handouts and food stamps.

Revenge is a dish best served cold, as Freddy soon found out after wiping out the entire population of Springwood. With no one left to kill, Freddy found himself falling into a deep depression. It was not long before he took to drinking and late night binges of Days of our Lives! The only dreams he haunts these days are his own!
Jason spent his early years homeless, angrily hunting down young teens in the hope of finding some sort of inner peace. But after Camp Crystal lake was bulldozed over and turned into a land fill, Jason found himself travelling settling down on the streets of Manhattan, where he would beg for spare change. With his immortality preventing him from dying, he has a long hard future ahead of him. Maybe one day he will clean himself up and get back on his feet, but for now, all he wants is a warm coffee and the feeling of a full belly.
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