Tears for fears – 10 Tearful Moments

10 Tearful moments and the music that supports it.
A little change of pace this week, as we look at a more broader field of film. This week we are looking at those films that have a highly emotional impact on us. film scenes that are so depressingly sad, they break your heart, helped along by the films music. On my list you’ll find a big mix of genres, from animated musicals to Oscar winning hits, all sad enough to shed a tear (or burst out crying if that’s your thing!). The films all share the same theme, these scenes are offset with a track to heighten the emotional aspect of the moment. Now I’m going to level with you, some of these scenes make me sob my heart out, and that’s not an easy thing to admit in public. so much so, that I could not watch the clips through! I just hope that the clips work?! One of these films I can’t watch anymore, because the moment the titles comes on, I’m a big blubbery mess. Emotional scarred by this film as a child, I own it on DVD. It’s still sealed and it’ll never get opened. I own it so that i’ll never have to watch it again. Damb you Charlotte, you broke my heart, and I’ve never got over your!
So here we go, it’s trip across 40 years, different films, different moments all sad enough to Shed a tear!
Hankies at the ready ladies and Gents..this one could get messy! (Spoilers throughout)
Charlotte’s Web (1973)
Charlottes Death – Mother Earth And Father Time – Debbie Renoylds
This 1973 animated musical is a classic piece of cinema history. Filled with colourful characters and fun songs. However, the mirth stops pretty suddenly, when Wilbur the pig finds out that his best friend Charlotte the spider, is dying. She has just anothe energy to sing Wilbur one last song.
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid (1973)
Baker’s Death – Knocking on heavens door (bob Dylan)
A truely touching moment from Sam Peckinpah’s western drama. Sheriff Colin Baker and his wife head out with Pat Garrett, to round up some of Billy the Kids old gang. In the shoot out, baker is mortally wounded. With Bob Dylans “Knocking on heavens door” playing over the top, the husband and wife say everything with a simply look.
Watership Down (1978)
Hazel is Shot / Bright eyes (Art Garfunkel)
The Tale of rabbits looking for a new home should be a realitvely family friendly affair, but this 1978 British animated adventure drama is dark and sometimes terrorfying. With death looming over them at every turn and visions of warrens filled with blood haunting them, they push on to find this perfect home. The film turns from sad to burst out loud crying when poor Hazel is shoot. Only his brother Fiver believes that he is still alive and heads out to find him.
The Killing Fields (1984)
The Reunion – Imagine (John Lennon)
The devastation of Cambodian by the Khmer Rouge is the back drop to this truly heartbreaking film. The killing fields is about Dith Pran, a Cambodian journalist and his fight for survival against the totalitarian regime that have taken controll. A dark part of humna history is played out on screen lightened only by this touching moment when Dith is finally reunited with his friend. In the background, John Lennons classic plays gently on the radio.
Beaches (1988)
Wind beneath my wings – Bet Midler
Beaches is the story of two friends, CC and Hilary whose friendship spans more than 30 years. After becoming seriously ill, CC drives Hilary and her daughter to the beach for her last few days, knowing that she is going to die. The montage of the beach sunset and following funeral are accompnaied with CC’s Rendetion of “Wind Beneath My Wings”! Yes tears will be shed.
She’s Having a Baby (1988)
The Birth /This Womans Work (Kate Bush)
Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth McGovern star in this romantic comedy about starting a family. It’s an upbeat and funny film, untill tradegy strikes and Kevin’s character Jake is suddenly faced with the possibility of losing his wife and child. It’s a sad moment, highlighted by the significant lyrics to Kate Bushes “This womans Work”.
Philadelphia (1993)
The Final scenes / Philadelphia (Niel Young)
Tom Hanks won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in this sad drama. This tragic tale of Andrew Beckett who’s court battle to prove he was fired due to discrimination, see’s Andy health quickly fade, due to AIDS. After collapsing in court, he dies peacefully in hospital, surrounded by his loved ones. If you were able to hold back the tears up until this point, the scenes that follows would surely open the flood gates, where family and friends gather after the funeral, and the camera slowly pans into a tv playing home movies of Andy as a young boy. Health and alive.
Donnie Darko (2001)
Donnie Death – Mad World (Gary Jules)
Donnie Darko is a strange and dark film, that plays with the concept of paranoia, psychosis and time travel. Beautifully shoot and with an awesome sound track, this weird tales ends where it begun, but with a slight twist. Donnies death is played out with Gary Jules slow cover of Tears for Fear’s “Mad World”, and the all the people that Donnie had touched are suddenly overwhelmed, knowing that something is wrong,mor that something has changed. Haunting!
The Mist(2007)
That ENDING – The Host of Seraphim (Dead Can Dance)
After surviving all the horrors of the mist and the supermarket, the survivors find themselves trapped in the car, without fuel or hope. Rather then wait to die, David Drayton decides to end it, killing his son and friends. Left with no bullets for himself, he steps out of the vehicle to face the terror that waits in the mist.
The Interview (2014)
Kim Jong-un’s death / Fireworks (Katy Perry)
Despite it’s comedy nature, Kim Jong-un death is heralded with the Fan fair of Katy Perry’s fireworks , a nod to earlier in the film where we witness a more tender side to Kim and also the blossoming friendship between him and Dave Skylark. The song is poignant in more than one way, also being the point in which their “friendship” ended live on tv. It’s what bonded and broke them. Playing over this graphic death scene, this song manages to stir a little something inside. The real tragedy was the friendship lost!
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“Hi Horror Fans – Oh boy… I’m glad i brought my hanky. Some of these videos really GRABBED me! What are your favorite sad moments in film? Let us know in the comments below.
Keep Rotten”
“Morti” The Mortician