Terminator 2 VHS Promo

Do you remember the time when VHS were all the rage, and that you had to drag your lazy ass off the sofa down to your local video store, juts to catch the latest releases? Well, did you ever wonder how on earth these stores got the low down on what was hot on tape? Well let me tell you… apart from huge catalogues of tapes they would send round, some studios would send out promotional tapes, trying to get big sales on their latest films.
Here in example is this cool promotional tape for Terminator 2, promising extra goodies with larger sales and even throwing in other releases for good measure. How or why they chose Drop Dead Fred as the accompanying video is beyond me, but the T-Shirt and Glasses are pretty dope!
To quote the Kid in the video “Come on Dad I want to see Arnold”. But it looks like Arnold’s pay check might have been just a tad too high for this store only promotion, so they roped poor Robert Patrick in to introducing the tape. Enjoy …