Unsolved Mysteries Of Quantum Leap

Unsolved Mysteries Of Quantum Leap

by | Jun 15, 2021

Quantum Leap is science-fiction television series, created by Donald P. Bellisario, that originally aired on NBC for five seasons. The story followed Dr. Sam Beckett, a physicist who leaps through spacetime during experiments in time travel, by temporarily taking the place of other people to correct what he believes were historical mistakes. The show ended on a rather sad note for fans, and many hope for a resurgence one day. 

Youtube Channel Ars Technica look back on the shows greatest unanswered question. Chatting with creator Bellisario, they aim to fill in those blanks that the show left us as it leaped off the air in 1993. Here is Unsolved Mysteries Of Quantum Leap. Enjoy…



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