In August newline cinema confirmed that they were planning to remake A Nightmare On Elm StreetSince then, rumors have been widespread about just what angle they will take this new reboot.

Mostly, people were chatting about WHO should play Freddy, with Bloody Disgusting pretty much NAILING IT with their suggestion. However, Red Carpet News interviewed Robert Englund recently in the hope of finding out some tasty morsels of info about the upcoming film, and all he had was some crazy rumors and some interesting ideas.

“They’re not going to bring me back fro Freddy, but perhaps they will bring me back in a cameo?”

Robert Englund believes that Newline maybe looking at remaking Nightmare on Elmstreet 3 : Dream Warriors, due to the company contacting elm street star Tuesday Knight, who played Kristen in the fourth film. His reasons are a little crazy, but if it’s true, it could mean an epic comeback for the gloved killer!

See the video below!


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