The Best UK Halloween Candy in 2020
Halloween is here, and once more we are opening the doors to all the lovely goodies on offer across the UK. Whilst Halloween might be a bit of a STALE affair, that’s no excuse to hold back on the tasty treats variable to you but once a year. Here is our guide to the best treats around.
Shop Brand Candy
It’s here every year and it here again for 2020. No mater what store you head to, there is bound to be a selection of milk chocolate balls wrapped in foil. Decorated as an eyeball or pumpkin, they come in multi bags and are the perfect for Halloween.
Cadbury – Pumpkin Patch Cakes
One of my favorite treats of the year, the fabled Pumpkin Patch Cakes makes a return to shelves once more. However, they are not stocked in every store this year, so you may need to shop around.
Pumpkin Patch Cakes are chocolate flavoured sponge layered with an orange coloured crème, covered in milk chocolate and finished with a pumpkin decoration. They are a delicious addition to your all hallows eve celebrations.
Cadbury – Goo Heads
Once again, Cadbury have dropped the ball on Halloween, with their continued efforts to get the production costs of GOO HEADS down. Once upon a time they were called SCREME EGGS, they were made of Cadbury’s chocolate and they had a green coloured fondant. Now they are made of a cheaper chocolate, they have pure white fondant without any colouring and have three less words in their name. They do however come in fun foil wrappings decorated with werewolves, vampires and skeletons. The mini eggs also make a welcome return this year along with Cadbury Goo Heads Chocolate Cake Bars.
Soreen Scream – Toffee Apple & Chocolate & Blood Orange
Soreen have been the most consistent provider of Halloween treats with their two spooky takes on the normal mini loaves. With two flavours available, Toffee Apple and Chocolate & Blood Orange, these bars are just perfect for Halloween.
Cadbury – Mini Bonfire Logs
Cadbury have brought back the Mini Bonfire Logs, making them one of the closest things you’ll find to tinder toffee this year. Wrapped individually, these toffee flavoured treats are delicious.
Mr Kipling – Fiendish Fancies & Terrifying Terror Whirls
Mr Kipling never disappoints, once again delivering two Halloween staples. The Fancies are just yellow coloured French Fancies, but the whirls are a twist on the classic Viennese Whirls recipe, switching out Jam for toffee. Decorated with the Witches from Roald Dahl, they have undergone a name change, with 2020 calling them Terrifying Terror Whirls (Previously Toffee Terror Whirls).
However…no Chocolate and Slime slices this year?
Spooky Choc Toffee Bats
Sainsbury’s has an interesting treat this year, with their very own branded cereal. This chocolaty treats comes with cereal shaped like bats. Flavoured with chocolate and toffee, this is a sugary kick to anyone’s day!
Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins
One from over the other side of the pond, but Reese’s are certainly something us brits are coming accustomed to seeing on our shelves. These spooky takes on Peanut Butter Cups are shaped like Pumpkins.
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“Hello Horror Fans – WHAT? Still no Cinder toffee this year? What is going on with Halloween?!? Still, what a great selection of TERRORS to put in your fleshy head hole! Have a great HALLOWEEN!!!!
Keep Rotten”
“Morti” The Mortician