Horror Movie Newspaper Adverts

Horror Movie Newspaper Adverts

by | Feb 3, 2017

Before the internet, there was a thing called Newspapers. They were the best way to keep track of your favorites sports team (Go Mets) , find out all the hot news and what was hot in the charts. And over your bowl of cornflakes, you could browse the pages and spot adverts from local cinemas telling you about their latest films. You can imagine a fair few fairer minded folks spitting out their coffee across the table when they turn the page to spot this little gem sitting in the corner.

Newspaper Clipping

Yes Sir, the nips are covered up, but that’s still a pair of breast poking out at you underneath an article about the Gulf War. Ok, so this might be an extreme case of Horror Adverts, but some of these ads ran in your local rags, right next to the funny pages. And i don’t care how mature you think you are, if you spotted the below image as a kid, your going to be having nightmares for weeks.

Prom Night Newspaper Advert

Thats some scary shit right there! Look at her terrified face, her bloodcurdling scream and the clawing hands, alongside the neatly boxed R sitting just to the side, warning you that this is some hardcore viewing. You were just a kid, wanting to find out what predicament Beetle Bailey had got himself into, and you’re faced with Linda Blairs screaming face and heaving bosom. 

 At the time, advertises didn’t quite understand target marketing, it’s one of the reason you don’t see many movie ads in modern newspapers these days. So you would find allsorts of ads making their rounds, including plenty of blood curdling horror films. From the Texas Chainsaw Massacre to the Bride of Frankenstein, they all had their moment on the pages of news.

Newspaper Clippings

The birth of the cyber age brought more direct consumer advertising, from film trailers on youtube to niche targeted websites. However, I still get thrill at looking at all the cool little adds that dared to bare on the pages of your morning paper. You might get a nostalgic twinge looking at the image gallery i’ve put together for you, or you maybe seeing these for the very first time, either way, I hope you enjoy looking at a throw back of our historical film past as we look at Horror Movie Newspaper Adverts (seriously, who comes up with these titles..urgh!)


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